Tinnitus: Gain Control Over the Ringing in Your Ears
One of the most irritating sounds you might have to endure is a ringing, buzzing or hissing sound in your ears. Research estimates note that about 75% of Americans suffer from some form of short or long term tinnitus. In most cases, tinnitus is a temporary condition experienced after attending a sporting event, concert, a night at the club or an explosion of some sort. However, for others, the noise induced damage, usually associated with tinnitus becomes a permanent condition, and could be an indicator of mild to severe hearing loss.
What Is Tinnitus?
Most people barely notice the irritating sound of tinnitus in its early stages. As the sounds intensify, so does awareness, which typically contributes to increased stress, decreased productivity and a reduction of quality sleep. Sound sensitivity begins to increase as the condition worsens, adding to stress and increasing the vicious intensifying cycle until it becomes a debilitating condition.
What Is the Cause of Tinnitus?
The prevailing explanation behind why individuals experience tinnitus is the Central Gain Theory. This theory proposes that the sounds heard are the result of the brain adapting and creating stimuli within a damaged auditory system, explaining why tinnitus and hearing loss tend to go hand in hand. The “phantom limb” syndrome experienced by amputees is a similar nervous system disorder to which tinnitus is often compared. Though this theory provides some explanation, the actual cause of tinnitus remains unidentified. In some cases, the cause of tinnitus relates to a particular formula or dosage of medications, while in others, it is a symptom associated with another medical condition.
How Is Tinnitus Treated?
The bad news is that without a definitive cause, there is also no cure. However, there are a number of methodologies for managing the condition. Because each condition is unique, not all management methods work nor are they the right answer for everyone.
Some treatments are nothing more than scams, which makes proper diagnosis and treatment of your tinnitus by a licensed professional even more critical. A few of the primary tinnitus management options include:
- Masking (cover sound awareness)
- Medications (stress, anxiety and sleep aids)
- Desyncra Sound Therapy (attempts to disrupt the neural signal)
- The Listening Program® SLEEP (retraining the brain)
- The Sound Pillow® Sleep System (promotes sustainable sleep)
- Hearing Aids (dual purpose of correcting hearing loss and sound masking)
- Alternative Therapies (stress reduction through psychological counseling, biofeedback, relaxation techniques and neuromonics)
Fox Valley ENT Can Help Manage the Ringing in Your Ears
We customize our approach to tinnitus management, helping you discover the treatment option best suited to your condition as well as your lifestyle.
Among our options are high technology instruments like hearing aids and maskers, but we also use biofeedback training and/or suggested lifestyle changes like quitting smoking, reducing caffeine intake and finding ways to reduces stress.
In cases where your tinnitus relates to other medical conditions, we treat the contributing condition or request medication changes to reduce symptoms. One of the most powerful contributions we make to tinnitus management comes from educating our patients about their condition while providing the support and encouragement required to cope.
patient resources
Do Hearing Aids Cure Tinnitus? | Learn More about Tinnitus Management
Why Are My Ears Ringing? Everything You Need To Know About Tinnitus
Why It Is Important for Young People to Get Their Hearing Checked
Request a Callback
You don’t have to put up with the ringing in your ears. However, getting taken by the newest “tinnitus curing” gadget is not the solution. Our tinnitus care experts use proven treatment methods to help you manage your condition and get your life back to normal.
Take advantage of our expertise by submitting our “Request a Callback” form, and one of our experts will address your questions and concerns, and/or schedule an appointment to assess and treat your condition.
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