01/25/2024 | Hearing Health
The pressure and discomfort of plugged-up ears are pretty common. Most people are less worried about why their ears are plugged up and more concerned about how to find relief. However, knowing why your ears are plugged up can help you prevent it from happening and...
11/17/2023 | Hearing Health, Patient Resources
Have you or someone you know been struggling with dizziness or vertigo? Many seeking relief for these conditions often learn that they have Ménière’s disease. The symptoms of Ménière’s disease can become debilitating, especially the vertigo, and have a negative impact...
09/28/2023 | Hearing Loss, Patient Resources
Are you feeling a little less confident when it comes to navigating stairs or uneven terrain? Your hearing could be at the root of your dizziness, vertigo, or feelings that you’re unsteady on your feet. The Journal of the American Academy of Audiology recently...
02/14/2023 | Hearing Loss, Patient Resources, Tinnitus
Hearing loss is one of the most common ailments in the US today. There are an estimated 49 million Americans dealing with hearing loss, which is three times the population of Illinois. With this condition being so prevalent, it’s easy to forget that other...