01/06/2025 | Hearing Loss
If you have conducted an internet search for hearing aids recently, you’ve probably been inundated by a plethora of options ranging in price from less than $100 to several thousand, even $10,000. Before showing you the range of options available to treat hearing loss,...
09/23/2024 | Hearing aids
Are you a hardworking professional who also happens to need the assistance of hearing aids for better communication at work? You’re not alone. Many professionals like you have already become aware of the benefits of better hearing for improved collaboration and...
05/30/2024 | Industry News
Rumors suggest that iOS 18 may include a new feature called “Hearing Aid Mode.” Although nothing is official at the time this article was published, there is speculation from a number of reputable forums and news outlets that tech giant Apple may be about to enter...
05/08/2024 | Hearing Loss
Things have changed in your life. You’re struggling to make sense of conversations, especially in a noisy environment; you’re not hearing well on the phone; your ears feel stuffy all the time; and you’re missing sounds you used to hear with total clarity. If you’re...
02/27/2024 | Hearing aids
In past blogs, we’ve provided evidence from scientific studies showing that your balance and cognitive health are connected to your hearing. Those studies alone should provide the encouragement you need to make regular hearing checks a common part of your preventative...